Push that butt cheek down

Event Date

Nov 21, 2022


5 Pax braved the cold for a “themed” workout at #Berean today (refer to moleskin). YHC also watched Rocky IV last night to mentally prepare for training in the cold and was so pumped that he showed up early in the 27 degree gloom to locate Santa’s Sleigh in Birkdale for the Pax to pull. Sadly, Santa nor his apparatus could be found, so YHC had to come up with this workout instead. Here’s a synopsis of events:


Mosey from Checkpoint 1/base to Checkpoint 2 for Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-IST x10  (20)

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

-Hillbilly x10 (20)

-Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10

Mosey to Checkpoint 3 at the hill and partner up for:

-300 WW II’s while alternating partners running a lap down and back up

-200 lbc’s while alternating partners running a lap down and back up

-100 ‘Mericans while alternating partners running a lap down and back up

Mosey to Checkpoint 4 at movies (IC):

-10 burpees OYO


-Seal claps x20 (40)

-Muhammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20 (40)


-Christian McCalf Raises x23 (46)

-Praying Mantis x20 (40)

Mosey to checkpoint 5 at the square (IC):

-Bobby Hurleys x10 OYO

-Dips x20 (40)

-Inclined ‘Mericans x20 (40)

Mosey back to Checkpoint 1/base

Recover, Recover




11/25-8th Annual Black Friday Convergence at 7am at North Meck Park. Dodd and festivities will commence afterwards.

12/2-Christmas Party will be at 11 Lakes (bring donation for Operation Sweet Tooth).

12/17 Cookie Q at Mighty Jungle.

F3 Fundraiser-Each pax can consider donating even $1 to the F3 Foundation.


Prayer Requests:

-Canuck (loss of his sister)

-Sandy (Hippie’s daughter’s boyfriend’s mom and her health)

-Am-Pm-IR (knee)

-Blackbeard-IR (back)

-Unspokens in all circles


The sentence/theme for today was, “push that butt cheek down.”  Please avoid weaving that phrase into your day (YHC is the Q that cares). YHC was simply trying to maximize the pigeon experience, but the Pax got creative trying to make it into an 80’s rap song.

Shaken Not Stirred showed up in shorts (yes) and made fun on the rest of us in thermal tights. Dude…

I think Gnarly Goat had already pulled Santa’s Sleigh on his own and just hid it to spare the Pax before YHC arrived.

Hippee was the first to show and was ready for whatever YHC had planned.

Crocs was fresh off the Spartan and still crushed it today.

100% participation at coffeteria afterwards for some genuine conversation.

It was good spending time with you gents. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, etc.)