
Event Date

Nov 26, 2022


4 men met in the gloom

Warmorama: SSH, MERKINS, WINDMILL, CPs, Berp and Merk

The Thang:

  • mosey to the radar/ speed trap
  • individual all out sprints X 2
  • mosey to parking lot
  • 2 rounds of “Maggie and Monroe”

COT: Prayers for Vdub’s dad and the family. prayers for the 100,000 + soldiers dead on each side in Ukraine and for the civilians suffering and dying


  • Peak speed 15 mph, amazingly without any hamstring pulls
  • is berp and merk part of warmorama? It was today!
  • “got anything else, bro?”
  • T-claps for Mojito – coaching swim again.  short meets with only 4 men. Boys drool, girls rule – 13 on team
  • Grip putting on a game face today – early am dropMa at airport – back to college. War Eagle!