Casting Lots

Event Date

Nov 26, 2022




Sonar, Backdraft (listed as FNG), and myself made for 3 on an awesome Saturday morning.

Sonar and I always seem to check the calendar while waiting in our warm cars to find out who the Q is.  None on the books so we think for a moment as neither of us is a stranger to putting together a Q on the fly.  Sonar finds and bounces around a tennis ball while we circle up.  Backdraft says we should use it in our Q somehow, but C#’s mind was already racing and had also already focused in on the tennis ball.  So I take the Q, and the ball, and we mosey 1 parking lot lap while I work out some details in my mind on how I wanted this to go.  

The concept originated as plinko from the price is right. 

But since this was decided on the fly, and the workout was developed on the fly, it was as if we had “Cast Lots” to determine our fate.  See the reflection for where this ties all together…

So we stop our lap in front of the HS gym and line up on the bottom line.  Q points out the handicap parking lines and calls out a workout for each area.  PAX then each take a turn hurling the tennis ball up the parking lot hill.  As the ball rolls down the hill, we do squats and await our fate.  Most exercises were either arms or abs as we did legs in the waiting.  After two rounds the PAX think they have mastered the slop of the parking lot. 

Q relocates to next section of the parking lot.  Slightly changes the rules (ball rolls back on an even number parking spot, quantity of 5; for an odd numbered parking spot quantity of 10.)  Also, the exercise while we wait is alternating lunges.  Various quantities of merkins and sit ups were done.

Again, after a couple rounds, we transition to game number 3, the last area of the parking lot in front of the launch pad.  Similar variations of previous are given.  The small “target areas” have a decent exercise, any miss results in burpees.  Lots of burpees were done here.

We mosey back to the area we started (game 1).  This time it is no longer free to play.  PAX have to do quadrafilia (backwards run) up the hill to the top line.  (That is your payment) One PAX now may release the ball to see what our fate is as we mosey down with the ball.  Similar to first round, only this time cost the PAX a quadrafilia run each time to reset.

Backdraft has to bail just a little early which leaves C# and Sonar to sound off.  We pray it out and head to Chick-Fil-A for coffeteria.  

One of the best workouts I’ve had in a while, same for coffee.  There is blessing in small numbers.  Although we missed each of you not there.  

Don’t feel bad if you missed this one.  It will be perfected and make an appearance again very soon!


Casting Lots is a chance game to determine a winner or a decision.  “Casting Lots” is mentioned some 47 times in the bible.  The bible no where instructs us to cast lots in decision making.  We have God and the Bible for guidance and direction.  However, I don’t think God minds if we use a game of chance to decide what flavor of exercise we did on this day.  (But I do think he may have had a hand in providing that tennis ball in the parking lot for us.) 

Proverbs 16:33

33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.