Post Thanksgiving Beatdown at Bailey Road Park

Event Date

Nov 26, 2022


4 men chose to get stronger and participated in Adult Recess on Saturday morning at Bailey Road Park.  Waffle and YHC began at 7am sharp and proceeded to warm-a-rama at the center of the lower soccer field, hoping some late stragglers would show up.  Approximately 12 minutes in, Cobra Kai and Titan came in hot and found us at Wolfpack Playground and joined us for the remaining beatdown.  2.5 total miles were covered in all with heavy doses of pain scattered in along the way, including lots of merkins, squats, pull-ups and dips. Monkey Humpers were performed at the intersection of Hwy 115 and Bailey Road to demonstrate F3 cult-like behavior but in actuality it was a nice and humorous and much needed mobility moment.  

Each PAX spoke about what they were grateful for this year, a great suggestion by Cobra Kai prior to ending in prayer.

Grateful for each of you who came out and chose to sharpen and advance your fitness!

Always an honor and privilege to lead such a fine group of men!

Humbly is Christ,
