Mustang State Champs edition

Event Date

Dec 12, 2022

Congrats to the East Lincoln High School Varsity football team winning the 3A state championship. 6 men arrived before 0530 to celebrate.  FNG-1 is Falcon



BBBroga to get us started

Cotton pickers 10 IC

Windmills 10 IC

1 lap around parking lot



Cones were placed 10 “yards” (3 parking spaces) apart at the top of the parking lot.  The cones were marked like football field yardage.

1st round 

Suicides – run to 10 yards and back, then 20 yards and back,….. repeat until you’ve ran to opposite “end zone”


2nd round 

Run to “end zone” come back to 10 yard line and do either 5 burpees or 10 merkins, run to “end zone” come back to 20 yard line and do either 5 burpees or 10 merkins, …… repeat until you’ve reached opposite 10 yrd cone.

Cool down lap




LBCs 30 IC

15 box cutters IC



For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.  2Timothy1:7



Crabby continues to crush these workouts even with an injury.

I didn’t realize I was honoring Bertha with this workout until he arrived.  BBBroga and Burpees are his thing

Mater enjoyed the workout until the merkins 

Falcon crushed it! I told him he could scale back but he wanted to complete it! 

Clark wants me to send the scripture to his daughter. So did Mater.  



We prayed for Falcon.. That his CT will show that his issues have not progressed.


It was a pleasure to lead. I believe we all got stronger!

God Bless
