The Path to 100

Event Date

Dec 03, 2022

This year has been an interesting one to say the least and my objective to Q 100 times is a microcosm of the year.  

I set an objective to Q 100 times, after hitting mid-sixties last year.  I knew it would be a long road to tow, but I wanted to set a lofty objective to impact a group and organization that has positive key impacted me over the past 3 years.  so let’s recap…

  • January: came out swinging and did like 12 Qs
  • Feb: ish got cold and I did 8, putting me ahead of schedule
  • March: I tweaked my calf, had to take 2 weeks off and still got 6 on the books
  • Q1: 26
  • April: Best month of the year for working out in NC – 14 Qs
  • May: still pretty good – 12 Qs
  • June: starts getting hot – 6 Qs
  • Current Total: 58

half way through the year, I’m feeling pretty good.  And the July happened.  I got Covid, had to sit out : weeks and got 2 Qs in.  Suddenly, after crushing the goal the first half of the year, I’m now falling behind average.

  • July: 2 FU covid
  • August really hit even at 5:30 – 6 Qs
  • September: injured again – 4 Qs

3/4 year total: 70

So nothing to be ashamed of, but now behind pace and likely needing a lot of cold Qs to get to 100.

  • October: I knew I needed to crush it – 12 Qs
  • November: started slow and then did 14 Qs in 3 weeks
  • December 1 and 3: 100 complete 

I wouldn’t be here without a few things: 

  1. People like Crocs, Toby, Camelback, and the Estate crew giving me shit
  2. a plan for each workout – it might feel similar, but good plans make life easier
  3. A website that generally works – except during cutover weekend 😜

So you might ask, how does this mirror real life…

  1. Success is driven by making plans and the. Executing them 
  2. Life is a roller coaster – when you hit obstacles – address them
  3. The past few years have been as hard and this path to 100 was a reflection 
  4. You need supporters for all goals – find them and keep them

thanks to the west side crew!  Thanks to F3 LKN /Isotope

100 is a special number and I needed all of you yo hit it!