12…or 8 Days of Christmas

Event Date

Dec 13, 2022


The second Tuesday of the month usually means a running of The Vern at FKT. But, in December, when the second Tuesday is 12 days before Christmas, there is really only one workout to do. Here’s how the morning played out.

YHC arrived for the 510 standard only to see that Jobe had launched his 5:00 standard. DonHo and Anchovy joined me for the 2 mile standard. Upon returning to the parking lot, several men were waiting for the instructions. Except for PopTart and Hoodie. They had no interest in joining for the workout as they were there to continue their marathon training.

The instructions were simple…there are 8 stations (YHC only planned on us getting through the first 8 days of Christmas so he didn’t even bring days 9-12) around the Summit parking lot. Run to station 1 and do the exercises. Run to station 2, do the exercises, then back to station 1 and do the exercises. Run to station 3, do the exercises, run to station 2, do the exercises, then back to station 1 and do the exercises…just like the song. Below were the exercises at each station….

  • Day 1: 10 burpees
  • Day 2: 20 CDDs
  • Day 3: 30 Merkins
  • Day 4: 40 squats
  • Day 5: 50 Dips
  • Day 6: 60 LBCs
  • Day 7: 70 Calf raises
  • Day 8: 80 IST (40 each side)

Interesting things that happened:

  • Around the start of Day 7, Breakfast Club starting questioning why days 9-12 weren’t set out as we were going to finish Day 8 with time left over. YHC just smiled. As it turned out, the leader (DonHo), finished Day 8 at 6:14:58. It’s almost like we’ve done this before and YHC knew how far everyone would get. 
  • There was much discussion around how much of a workout do you have to participate in to be included in the backblast. Answered ranged from “All of it” to “Just COT”. Not sure we officially reached a consensus, but there as long as you’re out of bed, pushing yourself, you should get credit for the effort.
  • DonHo likes to yell at PopTart. His favorite line today was, “Run faster, PopTart”. Although, when you’re way out in front all morning, you can yell at anyone you like.

It was a good morning. There’s always talk of doing all 12 days but that would take significantly more time. And I don’t want DonHo yelling at me to “Start on time, End on time” so it may have to be an OTB workout sometime. 

It was a great morning to be out and FKT is always a great workout to lead. If you haven’t joined us or Q’d yet, this in your official invitation. Be ready to work, but that’s what we’re supposed to do at F3.