Event Date

Dec 16, 2022



This is me grabbing you by the collar and shouting “Don’t you know what you’re capable of?” Consider this my final act as 1st F Q.

As we head into 2023, amongst all your goals related to faith, family, work, and whatever else, let me ask you to consider a serious fitness goal as well.

Stop putting limits on yourself! Go big! Consider completing at least one major fitness event using the below criteria.

1) Firstly, you must not be dead or permanently maimed when you’re done (consider this your disclaimer).

2) Choose an event where the risk of failure is possible. In the words of Lazarus Lake, creator of The Barkley Marathons, “If you’re going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can’t accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.” Whether it’s a distance, a time, a number of reps, or simply to complete it, choose a goal that is achievable but by no means a sure thing. This will make it a mental test in addition to a physical one. You are so much more capable than you give yourself credit for!

3) Do it with your brothers. There is no better way forge the bonds of brotherhood than by getting deep in the weeds and fighting your way out of it together. (Important side note: this holds true for your family bonds too, as Moses recently reminded me.)

4) Make it an adventure (optional, but strongly recommended). Get out there! Adventure is waiting to be had. We are not the owners of our time on Earth. Time is on loan to us and the seconds are ticking away. Make the most of it before you meet your Maker. Go climb a mountain, run a new landscape, or experience a different culture.

Directly, this will be for you. But, indirectly, it will be for the people you care about. Build your mental strength for them!

The Story of the Hardcore Hill Marathon
A lot of people have asked, so here it is. The Friday before last, a group of us were having a discussion about signing up for a 50K in the mountains of California. The discussion spilled into a text chain where I said that running Hardcore Hill 50 times would be a great training run, thinking that would inspire everyone to take the plunge and sign up for it. Well, to their credit, they signed up quickly so I didn’t even get a chance to do Hardcore Hill 50 times. But that stupid idea was stuck in my head, so I had to find a new purpose. So the purpose became to get your attention so you’d read this.

BUT… all the credit goes to you guys! I’ve been inspired time and time again. Hearing of Goatbuster exploits, including Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim. Hacker’s 50 miler. Two dudes I don’t know running Chicago and NY marathon back to back. The transformations of Kosar and AMPM, among countless others. Tammy Faye, The Force, and Tuffy crushing the Huntersville Half even though I personally heard two of them say “I’m not a runner.” Swanson and 9 Lives trekking across Florida all night. Stapler’s BJJ competition. Ironmen, triathletes, maniacal adventurers. Keep those feats rolling into 2023!