Seven Swordsmen

Event Date

Dec 19, 2022

If your cold, go stand in a corner…
Because corners are always 90 degrees… or post at The Sword

Seven PAX chose the latter.


  • Zig Zag mosey up the parking lot to the top
  • SSH x25
  • IST x15
  • Carrot Puller x15
  • Windmill x10
  • Mountain Climber x10
  • Toy Soldier x10

The Thang:
Grab a cinderblock and get circuit instructions.
1. Max out reps of a cinderblock exercise 2. Paint the lines to the end of the parking lot 3. Bear crawl/lunge walk/broad jump burpees back to the cinderblocks (Choose 1, 2, 3, or a combination. PAX choice) 4. Run a lap around the island back to your block. Repeat this circuit with a different cinderblock exercise each time.

  • Curls
  • Skull Crushers
  • Overhead Press
  • Lawnmower each arm
  • Bent Over Row
  • Block Swings

Blocks back and mosey down to the wall for wall sits.

  • Seal Claps x10
  • Touch them Heels x10
  • Air Press x10

Grab some curb for Muhammad Ali’s x 10

Mosey back to launch point.


  • Pretzel Crunch x10 each side
  • Flutter Kicks x15
  • Box Cutters x15
  • WWII OYO x10
  • LBC x15

Recover, Recover


Announcements – Christmas Party 2023
Prayers for Ultraman’s mother, and all of the F3 mothers.


Thank you Ponch for letting me lead these great guys. They were in great spirits and gave total effort on a raw cold Monday. T- Claps!

Thank you Toby for letting me takeover the Q today so I could lockdown my patch. 

See you in the gloom,
Bob Ross