How Long Does Praying Mantis Intercourse Last?

As Moonlight and I pulled into the parking lot I was saying – it may only be 2 of us – you never know.  What a surprise to see HIM’s gathered in the gloom kibitzing about life and the wonderful workout to come.  Bagboy aggressively pulls into his parking space and lo and behold Jethro emerges ready to workout as well.  Quite the gathering for a cloudy Tuesday where there could not be delivery of celestial knowledge to this fine crowd of men.  

We warmed up with some mobility and ISST, Toy Soldiers, and stretches and off we went into the Best AO in Isotope – OK maybe Bailey Road Park is in contention as well.  Mosey down the hill to the picnic shelter for some incline merkins and dips and then around the corner to the playground for 2 rounds of pull ups and Dry Docks.  Then we found some wall for some Praying Mantis and that is when it all went sideways, downhill, and into the land of NSW mumblechatter.  Possum, the MOY, who feigns to not engage in such form of mumblechatter fired the first shot with – you know the female Praying Mantis eats the male after mating.  Then he quickly followed up with today’s BB title – How long does Praying Mantis intercourse last? Well let’s just say, a lot of Praying Mantis jokes related to their mating habits soon followed.  Yes we had a crowd of elder statesman, with only Kingman representing the under Respect crowd, but that did not limit the jokes that would make high school boys giggle.  

Mosey to the far corner of the track with we did Mason Twists (Russian Twists as Shaken prefers – guess this years of battling Russian spies still lingers in his M5 mind) and LBC’s.  Mosey back to the shelter for another round of incline merkins and dips, another 2 rounds of pull ups and Dry Docs, and – yes we did – another round of Praying Mantis – had to fuel the mumblechatter after all.  In order to quell those jokes a round of BLMF’ers followed – but even those couldn’t completely quiet the crowd of rowdy, raucous, rancorous HIM’s that were having their glutes made firm.  The question was asked – potentially by the Q – if the male praying mantis did BLMF’ers would he be able to leap away post coitus and not have his life brutally taken by the clearly not satisfied female mantis?  Guess we will leave that one to the entomologists to figure out.  

Mosey to the rock pile for curls, skull crushers, should presses, chest presses, and scapula raises. 

Mosey partially up the hill for some split squats and then return to launch where we wrapped with Bagboy led Slow Scissors and a round of glute bridges – double and single legged to get to Recover Recover 


  • Possum Q at Fission on Thursday – please don’t let him be a sad clown – JB – HC, Canuck SC 
  • Jersey Boy Q’ing Cauldron Friday at Discovery Place Kids for his infamous Festivus Workout – show up w/ feats of strength to win prizes and air all your grievances with the PAX who are present 


  • the missing 11 year girl from Cornelius 
  • Canuck’s sister Judy for her cancer biopsy today 
  • the family of Jerri and Eddie Hagler on the death of Jerri’s mother 
  • for those alone this Christmas season 

Canuck took the group out with prayers for all to receive the light of this season and to share with others

If you can’t laugh and have fun at an F3 workout then you are missing something very precious!  Thanks men for posting, for being the silly group that you are, and for putting a smile on my face at every workout where we gather.