The Last #Hollywood of 2022

Event Date

Dec 28, 2022

6 souls convened to celebrate the year-end finale of #Hollywood.  After learning that Ramrod had committed to attending, the Pax started the warm-up at the launch and stayed until he showed.  He was only 2 minutes late and we were glad to have him- we needed even numbers.

A brief warm-o-Rama led into a mosey to the parking deck where we partnered for:

100 ‘Merican Push-ups

200 Jump squats

300 alternating LBCs (each elbow to opposite knee was 1/2)

Mosey to the old fountain for incline ‘Mericans X 10, decline ‘Mericans X 10

Mosey back to the Theatre lot and find the blocks some kind person left behind.

Partner up again and go in for:

100 traditional sit-ups

200 full curls

300 block squats 

Mosey back to COT for name-o-Rama.  No time for added MARY today.

Naked Moleskin:

1. Didn’t think we were going to finish the squats there at the end- time was running low.

2. Stray decided to get out of his truck at 05:24.  Not sure why he did that, but I felt the pressure to join him.  That won’t happen again in 26 degree weather.

3. Toby admitted to considering the fart sack.  But then, hey, it’s Toby- was there any doubt he was gonna post?

4. Little Professor was boasting to the group about his 4 As and one A- this semester.  Always knew he was a show-off; just like his old man.

5. Speaking of Deep Dish, at coffee he was re-living his glory days of achieving Gold status with Marriot Hotels.  “Greatest accomplishment of my life” is what he said. #truth  Don’t worry DD, you’ve got plenty left in you.  Wanna go for Platinum?

6. Sounds like Ramrod is planning to use his sneaky-fast speed and put to use his eligibility to play college football.  He’s thinking D1 for one season, then declaring eligible for the draft.  

7. Thanks for posting in the cold gloom this morning, gents!  See you tomorrow at #Fission