Teslas don’t fly too well, and Pigeons in France cost $200k

12 men defeated the FS and stretched their bodies and minds. The focus of today was the back, specifically lower back. We did all of the following exercises:

Forward Fold
Childs pose
Cat & Cow
Hip extensions
Spinal Twist 
Lower back stretch, twist, & extension 
The Avett Brothers was YHCs musical selection today. 
Great to see Belair back in the gloom. 
Frogger and Rocket debated on the flight path of a Tesla. 
Omaha was surprised I was Qing today because he didn’t get an email alert. 
Surprised to see Rodeo today because he typically Qs every day. 
Amen came in and immediately announced his arrival. 
Crocs complains of his back but is the most flexible around. 
Topgun continues to be the hero of Stretch with the keys to the clubhouse which work every time. 
Diehard appreciated the music more than most and may have been disappointed I didn’t break out the Valiant Thor. 
Turnpike was one of the only guys to do all the stretching without protesting. 
Frontier found the previously mentioned Valiant Thor and played us a few minutes for everyone to enjoy?
Prayers for The Force’s mom, my mom, and all the aging parents. Praise for Omaha’s aunt and nephew getting out of the hospital after many months. 
Great work guys. Get on the calendar for this and all AOs. 
Until next time