Event Date

Jan 11, 2023

2 PAX joined YHC ITG not knowing what was in store for them.  This beatdown was derived from a Burn Bootcamp video that my 2.0 and I did recently.





Windmills 10 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC

mosey to shelter



Grab a block

Round 1

  • Plank with side to side jump movements (x4) then sprint the short length of shelter and back (repeat 10 times)
  • 30 Big Boy Situps with hands straight up in air
  • curl and shoulder press 15 IC (not part of the original workout – this was med ball slams)
  • Repeat those exercise 2 more times in sequence

Round 2

  • Plank jacks (x4) then a jump then sprint the short length of the shelter and back (repeat 5 times)
  • 30 block swings (this was kettlebell swings in video)
  • chest press with lying skull crusher 15 OYO (this was big boys with dumbells in video)
  • Repeat those exercises 2 more times in sequence

Blocks up and mosey back to launch pad (times up)


Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in the synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shephard. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:35-37

This passage reminds us that as Christians we are to have compassion for all and that compassion includes us doing work.  As Christians we are the workers that need to harvest, by spreading the “Good News” to those that do not know it. The harvest is plenty in Denver, lets get to work.



YHC looked at the Meatlocker calendar and saw that it was empty this week so I started to think about what to do.  I remember thinking during the workout with Katelyn that this would be fun to break out at The Meatlocker, so I did.

Mater stated at the beginning of the workout that he hurt his neck somehow and that he may not be able to do the full workout.  He must have really liked what YHC brought because he did the whole workout.

Thank you to Crabby for the name of the workout. It is hard to tell that Crabby Patty has a torn Meniscus.  He crushed the workout.  But then he told us that he is working out with his wife on her lululemon mirror.  Makes sense now.  


Lets do our work in Denver.   Thanks for joining me this morning ITG men.  Hope to see more of you out very soon.  Enjoyed leading.

God Bless,
