New Blood

Event Date

Jan 12, 2023


6 men at Cobalt this morning – half arrived on foot other half by car. Solid weather this morning. 2 FNG’s today. Stephen Lackey came out for his second workout and will be known as Sweet Baby Ray (SBR) going forward. Ryan Hefner joined us for his first F3 workout. Awesome to have both of them out. Disclaimer covered during warm-up.


SSH X 15 IC, Merkins X 15 OYO, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Merkins X 15 OYO, Runners Lunge, Windmills X 10 IC

Main Event

Run from clubhouse to boat launch parking lot. Circle at top of hill before the trail for a plank set. 

Launch from top of parking lot and run to gazebo. At top: 10 X LBC, 10 X Leg Lift OYO / At gazebo: 10 X derkins, 10 X dips OYO. Run through it decreasing in reps…..10, 8, 6, 4, 2. 911 made an appearance during the set…..always good to see you bro.

Run back to clubhouse. Circle at top of hill after the trail for: 10 X merkins, 10 X crunchy frog, 10 X merkins, 10 X crunchy frog, 10 X merkins, 10 X american hammer, 10 X merkins, 10 X american hammer, 10 X merkins, 10 X WWII, 10 X merkins, 10 X WWII

Feedback from the boat launch set was it was light on reps so we made up for it at the top of the hill. Pax loved it. Solid feedback.

AYG run back to clubhouse parking lot (~0.3 mile). Solid work here – heart rates up.

Line up at curb or clubhouse parking lot for: Lunge walk across parking lot (short way), Broad jump burpees, Bear crawl, broad jump burpees. BJB’s were the fan favorite here.

Circle for some Mary: Surf: jacknife LBCs X 10 each leg IC, Grip: Box cutters X 15 IC. All she wrote.

~2.5 miles running 


  • EC for the guys that ran to/from the workout: Germanator, Ryan, Q. 
  • Awesome to have Sweet Baby Ray and Ryan join the workout this morning. Both in great shape and crushed it. SBR talking about dead lifting > 400 pounds for several reps at his crossfit shop. Ryan’s a soccer coach and running an adult soccer league and was talking about putting some miles in last night on the treadmill….solid. These boys brought the avg age of the Pax down a few years.
  • Kicked around a few ideas for Stephen’s F3 name. Came down to two: Daddy Long Legs and Sweet Baby Ray. Both got positive feedback and votes, but SBR won the day. DDL came from Stephen’s height and extraordinary length of his arms and legs.
  • Grip with the advance notice RSVP. Take that as a sign for his love of Cobalt Thursday.
  • Surf back from the northeast. Sounds like positive client interactions and some good eating up there. Glad to have you back out.
  • Mary Jane made a strong presence during our set in the boat launch parking lot. Think we all caught a contact buzz for some wake and bake this morning. Will leave it at that and likely will be a discussion point for future workouts. 
  • The Germantor was ready to rock in some winter gear. Grip got on him right away….given Grip doesn’t seem to feel the cold. Germanator took us out – well said man, thanks.
  • Solid work fellas. Appreciate the opportunity to lead.