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Mt. Afton Challenge – A Worthy Annual Event

Event Date

Jan 14, 2023


YHC was informed about the Mt. Afton Challenge at a Toby Talks in December.  The discussion that morning was around mental illness and one of the PAX mentioned that the men from F3 Davidson have been supporting this annual event.  The challenge is led by our F3 neighbors in Concord (F3 Afton) and is a fundraiser to raise awareness of mental illness and suicide prevention.  The PAX from F3 Afton lost one of their own to suicide only a few years ago and these men have created this annual event to support an incredibly worthy and important cause.

YHC and Bagboy rucked 6 miles alongside Canuck who did the run/walk challenge finishing with 7 plus miles.  Race City’s very own “Chicken Little” was honored and remembered at the event as we planted his Shovel Flag and carried a placard with his photo along the way. 

It was an absolutely memorable morning in Concord coming together for a common cause.  Several PAX from F3 Davidson, including Ranger, Cannoli, Pusher, Stout, Fidel, Methane and others who I may not have seen, were there.

Big thanks to BagBoy and Canuck for the fellowship along the route.  A great morning!

A link to this year’s Mt. Afton Challenge is below for your information.  Please consider this critically important event next year to support and remember our brothers who are no longer with us and to spread awareness about the devastating effects of those impacted by suicide.