Tempo Day

Event Date

Jan 18, 2023

Today was tempo day. Not to be confused with Boxing Day. Plan was 10 min WU, 25 min tempo and 10 min CD. Little Finger and Swing State crushed it. YHC struggled a bit. Frazier hung back with me as he is still bouncing back from the Frosty 50K. 

We did learn that Little Finger has affectionately gave his M the name M Finger as in middle finger or mother finger.  Depends on the mood. 

Quote of the day comes from Swing State. At coffeeteria he yells across the Dunkin, “Who is Bag Boy’s Mr. Burns?”  Bromances never stop in F3 Isotope. 

Prayers continue to be lifted for Moonlight and F3 Knoxville. Also for LF and family on the loss of an uncle. 


The Count