FNG Mania at Cobalt

Event Date

Jan 19, 2023


8 showed for Cobalt this morning for 58 degree weather. Awesome to show up and see Stephen Lackey (Sweet Baby Ray – pending F3 naming approval), Ryan Hefner (Toro – pending F3 naming approval) and Zack Chambers (FNG) ready to rock. We circled and got the train moving down the tracks. Disclaimer discussed. Warm-up covered and on to the main event. Lots of moving around, looking for the wake and bake and even some Mary (My Abs Rock Yours). Never knew that until Pinky enlightened us. 

I wrote the whole workout down and somehow lost it so I’m not going to do it again. Any questions I would be happy to talk live – but it was a decent workout.Highlights: 2+ miles running, few AYG runs to get the heart rate up, planks sets, tons of exercises (partnering even happened today which very much pleased Grip and Natty) and some positive and constructive feedback shared with Q – thanks fellas. 


  • Ryan Hefner keeps a very clean and neat lawn. He’s also in a rock band (drummer) and plays and coaches soccer. Lots of options for naming but we landed on Toro given how laser focused he is on the lawn. Good name. Thanks for coming out bro and welcome to the Pax. 
  • Sweet Baby Ray back in the mix. Showed up with a muscle shirt on which generated some immediate commentary….could have been some jealousy?? Suns out guns out (although it wasn’t)
  • Zack coming in strong with Tool Time. Great to have you out! Wearing a Peloton shirt and asking for weights instead of some of our exercises. We got Muscle Beach on Wednesdays and look forward to having you back and giving you a name. 
  • SSDD from the rest of the regulars. Love you guys and appreciate all the fellowship. 
  • Pinky is an absolute machine. Over 100 miles already this month – averaging 6 / day. He has a shot of hitting 200 for the month….
  • Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning fellas. Loved it and look forward to next time. Pumped for the new guys joining us!!