Bells and Sevens

Event Date

Jan 20, 2023

Warm Up

 multiples of 7; SSH, TS, squats, TieFighter

Beat Down

circuit around parking lot, 11 stations, 7 reps, sequence of burpees, CH squats, merkins, step ups or dips at benches,  travel between each station via bear crawl, quad, karaoke, mosey.  Back to launch pad for KBs; 1/2 curls to level and level to up, squat press, skull crushers, high, medium ribbons, Allen Iversons, Walmarts, milk jugs.  10 minutes of Top Gun with, curls, presses, sc, rows, dead lift, squats with drop for burpee every minute.  Time flies when you are having fun.


Lbc, pretzel crunch, Jane Cs

FNG is old Dr J, working hard as usual.   Great to have Iron Horse back after his trip to Europe and sporting a major beard.  Also Travolta returned after a month of working on ‘guilt free’ sleeping in.  Apparently it didn’t work!  Dirt_Den worked on his calluses by crawling around the parking lot with no gloves.  Have to hand it to him!

Reflection: Psalm 9:9-10. Pray out.  Pleasure to lead such an august group!