No complaints at Emmaus

Event Date

Jan 20, 2023


On a not too cold-ish day (~45 degrees F) at Emmaus, here is roughly what went down:

0445:  The “4 banger” run standard with Crocs, Jedi, and YHC.  Sure, it was earlier than usual.  But we are all better for having done it.  Great conversation gents!

0530:  Once again YHC had a Weinke, something I’ve been doing more recently.  Audibles or things we didn’t get to denoted in strikethrough below.  Admittedly many of the ideas came via my co-workers at 4:00 PM the day before, and they are all ex-Military and younger than YHC. 


  • Mosey towards the movie theater, including high knees and butt kickers
  • Circle up under the lights awning (why aren’t the lights on anymore?), disclaimer given
  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC, Jump Squats x 2) x 4
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers, Tennessee style, x 15 IC
  • Plank Walk around the island
  • Mosey to the parking lot

The Thing:

Find a line of a parking spot.

  • Burpees with 180 degree turn on the jump over the line, so that you are always facing the line x 10 OYO
  • Hand-release-Mericans x 10 OYO
  • Burpees with sideways jump over the line x 10 OYO
  • Hand-release-Mericans x 10 OYO
  • Lunge walk width of the parking lot and back, as a way to rest the upper body


Timer set to 20 seconds “On”, 10 seconds “Off” for the following:

  • Mericans
  • WWII sit-ups
  • Wide Mericans
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Diamond Mericans
  • Peter Parkers  LBCs
  • Hand-release-Mericans
  • Low Flutter
  • Lunge walk width of the parking lot and back, as a way to rest the upper body
  • Repeat-o all above
  • Mosey the width of the parking lot and back, as a way to rest the upper body
  • Repeat-o all above, again, for a grand total of 24 exercises, for 12 minutes.  Nope, we only did 2 sets

A medley of holds:

  • People’s chair x 1 minute
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute
  • Glute bridge x 1 minute
  • BTTW x as long as possible  (Editor’s Note:  For YHC, this wasn’t very long)
  • Repeat-o all above


  • Shoulder-touch-Mericans x 10 IC
  • Man-maker-elbow-plank x 10 IC
  • “Out and Ups” x 30 seconds AMRAP
  • LBCs x 35 IC.  Ran out of time for:
  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC
  • American Hammer x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute

Stretching:  Oh my, sorry we didn’t get to do any stretching.

  • Calf
  • Hamstrings
  • Quads
  • Cobbler
  • Pigeon

Recover, recover.  According to Strava we covered 0.94 miles.  And we burned 71 calories?  I don’t know, maybe Rodeo has a more accurate figure, sound off below if so.


  1. We prayed for Cardinal’s family.
  2. Everyone except Camelback for coffee afterwards.  Where did you go bud?  I guess for Camelback:  Coffee on Friday is equivalent to Tacos after Night Ranger…he’s just not having it!
  3. We were joined at Coffee by TBC, Ramrod, and Red October; who were doing their thing separately.  Then we saw some General guys including Eeyore, Holiday, Roadie, Hat-Trick, Deep Dish, and several others who were kind enough to say “Hello”…
  4. …on the other hand, many of the 4 Banger guys did not say hello?  That hurt, not going to lie.
  5. Jedi, thanks for the early miles bud!  What’s better than running with the original MQ of an AO at 0445?  Not much, I’d argue.
  6. No complaints from Kosar on any of the exercises, even though he felt guilty for not posting yesterday and did 200 Mericans on his own last night.  Solid work bud.
  7. Now…compare and contrast that treatment with that from Crocs and Rodeo.  Not only did Crocs threaten to reach out to my manager, Rodeo offered him advice on wording!  They did kindly offer to create some useful flow charts for the PAX though.  Something like:  Did you stretch yet?  No.  Is there 5 minutes left?  Yes.  Then stretch.  I don’t know, it sounded better in person…I guess you had to be there.  Please attach your first Visio draft to this backblast, Rodeo.
  8. Appreciate the opportunity to lead Crocs. 

Gents, don’t listen to any voice that whispers “It is too early to work out”.  It’s not.  Let’s hit the ground running.
