Ultraman Brings Clown Car to Bedrock

YHC pumped to have our 1st F Q, Ultraman, bring a clown car to Bedrock with Die Hard and Rocket. The new Bedrock shovel flag was planted for the first time in the frosty ground at Bailey Road Park and it would kick off a great start to this chilly Saturday morning.  The sun was just peeping over the tall trees behind the soccer fields and was a beautiful sight to behold.

YHC provided the normal disclaimer and hyped up a story which Hippie shared at a recent Viking workout.  The story would be shared at exactly 7:30 am, but first the PAX would focus on fitness.  

It went down something like this.  A warm-a-rama  was performed on the off-Broadway soccer field, followed by a mosey over to the track where a 1/2 mile Commander run was completed. PAX did incline merkins and air squats on ledge adjacent to the track.  From there, PAX performed rock work with curls, bent-over rows, and shoulder presses.  Mosey towards playground and down what’s known as K2, a long slow decline trail towards the woods.  PAX stopped to perform burpees and merkins.  PAX ran back up K2 at 80% effort stopping at Wolfpack playground.

This is where it got weird.  At 730, PAX stopped in at Broadway, the ampitheater adjacent to the soccer field where Hippie would share perhaps the most bizarre story every told in the history of Isotope.  As legend would have it, it is customary in the Shawnee Indian tribe for the mother to lend a “helping hand” to her son on his wedding night.  YHC will just let that sit and not elaborate further.

Long mosey across the park, ending the large grass hill near the basketball courts.  PAX performed quadrophelia up the hill, with a descending ladder starting with 10 of air squats at the top.  After a brief quad stretch, PAX moseyed over to the far restrooms and performed Peoples Chair with air presses and praying mantis.  Long mosey to 90210 (a halfpipe-like section of Bailey Road), ending at the intersection of 115 and Bailey Road for Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back down 90210 to the soccer field, where sprint drills were performed. PAX did multiple sprints the length of the soccer fields with varying changes of exertion.  

Mosey back to ENDEX where stretching and a Goat led set of merkins was performed.


It was a glorious morning indeed and awesome seeing a white Toyota Sequoia, AKA the Goat-mobile, pull up and have Gnarly Goat join us at Bedrock.

Huge turnout (15+??) at Starbucks where PAX from Mighty Jungle would join us.  Also, great having Blackbeard make the trek over to hang with us! 

Thanks to Moses for closing us in CoT with this inspirational poem (Anonymous), followed by prayer.

”You can do as much as you think you can, but you’ll never accomplish more.  If you’re afraid of yourself dear friend, there’s little for you in store.  For failure comes from the inside first.  It’s there if we only knew it and you can win though you face the worst, if you feel that you’re going to do it.”

Always an honor and privilege to Q and YHC can’t think of a better way to kick off a Saturday morning.

Humbly in Christ,
