2 More Leave the Kotters List

Event Date

Jan 21, 2023

FNG-1 is Gene brought out by Riverboat (1st post)

8 Strong posted to Mighty Jungle- we started out cold but that was short-lived.

After a parking lot mosey each man grabbed a block in case he might need it later. You never know when a CMU might come in handy.

A brief disclaimer eliminated any chance of a lawsuit and we got to it.



The Windmill

Plank Jack

Slow Squat

Block ‘Merican

The block Curl

20 old-school sit-ups

We grabbed our CMUs and took a walk.  Stopping at the church to gather the six, we knocked out 15 slow squats

Reaching our next destination, the steps, we executed a little ladder: hop up the steps, 7 burpees atop, forward down for 10 block curls.  Repeat the process for 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees, all with 10 curls. We finished with 20 old-school sit-ups.

Onward we ventured to our next stop: the Stumptown side entrance for the Burner minus the overhead press and skull crusher. 

Setting our blocks aside, we continued down to Copperhead Hill, as Toxic calls it.  We went in for a quadraphilia up to 10 jump-squats and forward down to 7 ‘Mericans.  We counted down the ‘Mericans 6,5,4,3,2,1 and kept the jump-squats at 10.  A little low flutter kept us warm as we waited on the six.

Back we moseyed to our blocks where Omega led us in 25 squat/curls.

We then returned to the first pain station for a mini-ladder: hop the steps, 5 burpees atop, forward down to 10 block ‘Mericans and 10 bent over rows.  Again we counted down 4,3,2,1 while keeping the 10 qty. of each at the bottom. We again finished with 20 old-school sit-ups. 

Next we brought our blocks back home and re-stacked them neatly, ready for the next workout.

Naked Moleskin:

1. Omega made it known several times that wanted to Q. He  noted our modified burners were really just a squat/curl.  He likes to keep it real and keep the Q in check, and so he did.

2. Crimson has a shoulder injury (those suck) so he went on a ruck in search of Blackbeard.  But Blackbeard was nowhere to be found…until Starbucks.  Anyhow, Crimson is now OFF the Kotters list!  Boom!

3. Kachow rolled in to the AO running a 6-minute mile and smoked the Pax the whole time today.  That’s about what we would have expected.  OH- He too is now OFF the Kotters list!  Boom, Boom!

4. Riverboat brought FNG Gene who did a great job.  He’ll be back- who can resist getting a sweet nickname?  Riverboat also noted there are more than 4 steps at the Stumptown entrance.  Looks like 17 or so.  Who knew? 

5. Toxic brought his A-game this morning.  (That’s rare.) But he was looking strong- probably just got tired of being last all the time.

6. Firestone was eager for this morning’s workout and set it up right!  He planted the shovel flag, built a small retaining wall around it, set up spotlights on the flag, planted a bunch of pansies and then mulched the whole thing.  Proper!  Then he also crushed the workout.

7. Thanks for posting guys!