Mall Walkers circle the workout

Event Date

Jan 24, 2023


We began with the usual disclaimer then moseyed to the lot near the playground for a warmarma like:



Mtn Climbers



Then we moseyed on down to the tennis courts for some “walking Merkins.”  Up to 10 then some LBC’s and 10 more Merkins with Left, right, forward, backward moves.  I recall we did some Low flutters and Low dollies.

We made a quiet mosey through the large apartment building adjacent to the park and returned to the soccer perimeter track.  We found a trail to CVS, performed some Muhammed Ali’s and then moseyed to the newly expanded “trail” on the north end of NM park. We found our way up to the basketball courts and to the pavillon for some step ups, People’s chair, seal claps and then Pray Mantis’.


On our way back we first did a “bunch” of Burpees, proceeded up the road and planked in waiting for the mall walkers, Bel Aire and Blackbeard.  When they arrived we headed back to base for some Big Baby crunches, Suzanne Summers and Merkins.

We had a later arrival with Jersey Boy, but he did jog to the COT, so it counts.

We prayed for Judy, Canuck’s sister who recently had surgery, and for our own Moonlight who recently had surgery and is recovering. 

Coffeteria was well attended and we had to good fortune to have Shaken Not Stirred join us.