Symmetry in motion

The forecast called for pain today and that is exactly what was dispersed on a rainy, gloomy, morning. YHC tweeted to bring kettle bells to the workout. Unfortunately, not everyone saw the tweet. However, YHC asked Soprano to bring blocks and of course he delivered as a MQ does. The blocks were shiny and new as well.  Instructions and the disclaimer were given and we were off. We moseyed around the lot , grabbed our coupons and went to the bookstore. 
Dwight Shrutes 
Plank Jacks
The Thang
25 KB/Block Swings
The Slow Burn
Constructing an 8 count burner with a very, very, slow 10 count (20 seconds per 10 count). 
Squat x 5
Curl x 5
Press x 5
Skull Crushers x 5
Burner x 5 
25 KB/Block Swings
People’s Chair w/ Seal Claps x 10 IC
Praying Mantis x 10 IC
Walk down the wall with your hands to a plank
Maktar Jai x 10 IC
Walk up the wall with your hands
Praying Mantis x 10 IC
People’s Chair w/ Seal Claps x 10 IC
Press your block or bell
Low flutter x 10 IC
Low dolly x 10 IC
Rosalita x 10 IC
Combine all 3 into one grand core crusher x 10 IC
Spinal pull L&R with leg drop and overhead arms
Johnny Bench
Forward fold
Reverse Swan Dive
There was very little mumble chatter today. That’s what happens when you are gasping for air. 
Great to see Tubby from the Bridge, and meeting Greyhound. 
Tubby relieved me of my 45lb bell for skull crushers and I couldn’t have been happier. 
Hat Trick crushed the workout and was smart to move us from the windows of the bookstore for the swings. 
Hoff also crushed it today and great to see him after his recent travels. 
Goat made it through the day without an emergency code brown. Great progress in 23’
Primo had no idea what he was in for today but still destroyed the work. 
The Force was a savior with 4 bells for the Pax. I could have used one of those lighter ones when I got the fatigue shakes. 
Jersey Boy was the most creative today using the bundle of NY Times as his weight during Mary. Was all the news fit to print?
Jaws sauntered over with KB in hand and disappeared afterwards as if he was a ghost.  
Soprano was YHC’s hero today. He provided the intel on where to park and brought a truck full of brand new shiny blocks. Thanks brother for the much appreciated assistance. 
The Pax worked hard today and it showed. As I said in COT, reach out to me or any MQ if you haven’t Q’ed before. We will help you prepare and even co-Q if that helps. Also, reach out to your Kotter brothers. A simple check in can make all the difference for someone. 
Lastly, pray for all those Pax struggling with life challenges. Everyone has something they are dealing with and this brotherhood is a blessing to help those difficulties.