The Pax on Track Go Round and Round

Event Date

Jan 31, 2023


Cars were flowing in from the hinterlands of Davidson and Mooresville and then a few from Huntersville even showed up.  Jersey Boy, in his usual hurry, almost took Bagboy’s door off the car, but was able to regroup and park properly.  Blackbeard slid in late and then disappeared to Mall Walk, Mall Jog and is looking more ready to resume normal bootcamp activities – but I suspect it will be a while before he will acknowledge that – but dang he is looking svelte and good to see him jogging – keep it up BB. 

Warm Up – 15X IC ISS, 15X IC Toy Soliders 

Mosey to bottom shelter – 10X IC IRKINS, 12X Dips, 15X Praying Mantis 

First lap around the track – all OYO 2o merkins, first curve 30 Carolina Dry Dock, next curve 20 diamond merkins, next curve, 20 wide merkins 

2nd lap – 30 squats, 20 lunges, 20 split squats, hold Al Gore to all arrive 

3rd lap – 30 LBC’s, 20 WWIIs, 30 Freddy Mercuries not IC, glute bridges 

Reverse repeato of PM’s, Dips, Irkins 

Mosey to rock pile – no rocks, but BLMFers – 12 count – yes I whimped out some –  feeling sorry for the Pax 

Mosey to launch – mobility, 30 LBC’s IC, Pretzel Crunches 10 each side IC 

Recover Recover 

Announcements – Polar Bear, Yeti

Prayers – Canuck’s M’s cousin recovery from breast cancer surgery, Scrappy and his family, all the Pax in Isotope with parents having struggles 

Mumblechatter was somewhat constrained – w/ this crowd the key is to keep them moving – that way they aren’t together long enough to come up with a bunch of deranged things to dig into.  

Great job men – you push me to push me!  I need that.  Best AO in Isotope and some dang fine HIMs to do stupid things in the gloom together.  
