Mighty Oak 02/01/23 We Just Worked

Event Date

Feb 01, 2023

Arriving to find just a couple of Pax hanging out in their vehicles, anticipating the next 45 minutes of pure delight, one wondered if they were in the right spot.  This being YHC’s VQ for this particular AO, expectations were reasonable that numbers would be in the high 30s to mid-40s.  Not the temperature, the number of pax in attendance.  Apparently Estwing and family were unwell last night, and so that held most of the pax away, for fear of catching whatever malaise had befallen the Estwing Clan. Yeah- that MUST be it!  Anyhow, we 4 pax ventured into the gloom and did the following stuff:

Mosey to the rear lot, one lap around the track and gathered one block per man.

We found a dry spot under cover and warmed up with SSH, IST, Windmill, Slow Squat, Plank Jacks

The main event was with our blocks:

The slow squat @ 20

The slow bent over row @ 20

The slow curl @ 20

The slow ‘Merican @ 20

25 old-school sit-ups

Combo shoulder shrug to calf raise @ 20

Sled the blocks across the lot to the bball hoops and then back

Take a lap around the track

Round 2 was a repeato, subbing block swings for the shrug/calf raise

Round 3 repeated round 1.

We returned our blocks and had a little time for MARY under cover:

Little baby extensions @ 20

Dying Cockroach @ 20

  Touch ‘dem heels @ 20

Mosey back to our cars for Recover X 2


1. Welcome to Mighty Oak, Airstream.  His first post here was a solid effort.  But that’s what he always gives, so who would have expected anything less.  Good stuff today!

2. The Force made known he’s not a fan of the block sleds.  Regardless, he persevered and banged them out.  No redux on the fit 50- you only turn 50 once and so all he’s done with that nonsense.

3. Praises for a good run for The Force’s Mom- feeling pretty good, counts rate good and she’s enjoying visitors.  We hope that trend continues The Force and you know you’ve got a lot of men in your corner. 

4. Kosar came looking for a tough workout.  He got this one instead.  Well hell, disappointment is part of life.  He then ventured off to another day of office work and glazed donuts while cursing the rain.  It can’t rain all the time, but sometimes it seems like it does.  

5. Continued prayers for the Bell family (Scrappy) and for healing of injured Pax.