Sad Clown

Event Date

Feb 02, 2023




*Sitting in my car preparing myself to run in the cold rain solo.


*5K mileage with various stops for pain along the way.

MUMMBLECHATTER (Internal Thoughts)

*At 0533 when I was alone in the parking lot the urge to return home for a dry and warm Peloton ride and/or some weight training was very strong. But knowing there was a high risk that the kids/wife would be awake and prevent that from occurring I decided to go ahead with the plan even if I was going to be solo. There is a reason I prefer 0530 workouts. Waking up before the day’s distractions is my best strategy.

*I learned I really need a brighter headlamp as I stepped in many puddles that I was unable to detach in the low light provided by my current headlamp. One got me 100 yards into the run and resulted in a soggy right shoe the whole run….

*All I had in the jeep was cotton gloves which seemed like a terrible idea in the rain, so I went gloveless which proved to be an even worse idea as my hands were numb until halfway mark.

*I wondered where everyone was this morning. In their beds, perhaps at Samson for Amen’s respect convergence, other AOs? The one thing I did know for sure was that they would return next week. In the 7 years I have been part of F3 this is probably only the 3rd sad clown Q I have had to endure. I will take those odds any day.



*Turns out three PAX were doing their own JAVA in Birkdale due to launch location confusion. Credit shall be awarded.