Covered some ground, many merkins, few burpees and some rock work with a magic trick.

Wetsuit not on site and FNG Daniel Lindberg

Warm up: run to parking lot near quad, SSH 15x, IST 10x, TS 10x, long snapper 10x, inch worm merkin 10, merkin time bomb 5-4-3-2-1

The thang: suicides round 1 with 30 merkins, round 2 with 30 jump squats, round 3 with 3 burpees

mosey to quad, lunge walk to corner, diamond merkins 10x, side shuffle with touching the ground to next corner, jump lunges 20, run to next corner, thee burpee

run to the breezeway area, one leg peoples chair, step ups 20, al gore, decline diamond merkins 10x

mosey to parking lot, each pax on parking space, 10 merkins, plank walk, 10 merkins, plank walk 10 merkins

run to rock pile, squats 10x, curls 15x, shoulder press 15x, skull crushers 10x

mosey to flag, pledge

run back to homebase

mary: mobility minute with some stretching, merkin time bomb 5-4-3-2-1, break dancer 10x, crunchy frog 10x (stromboli), freddy mercury 10x (einstein), touch them heels 10x (ceasar), j-lo 10x, thee burpee


Great seeing my good friend and cotter who has not been out in a while, Wet Suit.  I just called him, he came out and brought another friend of ours, FNG Daniel Lindberg.  They also got Pitstop and Crocs to come a little further north, great seeing you guys at Paininsula!  As always, both Crocs and Pitstop had a lot to say.

Make sure to make some calls to PAX that have not been out in a while!!!

I added a few burpees since Outlaw on IR!

At the rocks, I selected PAX to pick a # and left or right on which # and direction to move around the rock pile, several moves to different rocks and my magic trick worked as we ended up at our starting rock!

Great work!