CB dust up.

Event Date

Feb 08, 2023

Four souls arrived under a brilliant moon surrounded by a big ring.

Warm Up

20 x SSH,  MH, WM, TS, Tie Fighters 

Mosey around parking lot with 10 or so exercise stations 5 reps of; burpees, step ups, dips or elevated merkins, merkins, CH Sq.  Australian pull up bars 10 reps narrow, wide and underhand pull-ups.  
To block pile.  OYO 20 reps 1/2 curls to level and level to up, IC 20 reps squat w/OH press, skull crushers, Dead lifts, twist press 10 each side, Rock a Bye Baby, OYO 20 swings.
On six for: 20 reps of BB SU, overhead extend, CB push ups, 30 sec plank on CB leg extended.

Partner up. One partner mosey around Australian pull up bars while one starts on 25 Blockies and 100 squats.  Returning partner picks up count.  Return CBs and mosey to LP.


IC lbc, pretzel crunch, low flutter.

Reflection: James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Pray out.  Pleasure to lead.