Shark Sighting at Hollywood

Event Date

Feb 08, 2023

FNG – Tubby, could not find name


Does anyone like named workouts?

This was a modified Sharknado – Maybe Great White-nado?? 


15 – burpees – lap
15 – dips – lap
15 – WWll – lap
15 – merkins – lap
15 – step ups (each leg) – lap

repeat 3 more times. 

The laps were from the circle/center near Starbucks to where the old fountain by the theater use to be. 

This workout is just all about PAX pushing themselves to get stronger. Regardless of fitness level, the goal was to push yourself to get stronger. 

2nd Q this week (rare),  1st did Iron Pax which still sore from and a Nado. Water wings tomorrow. 

Nice work today for all the guys who showed up.