No Giant Squid sightings and other random trivia

Event Date

Feb 14, 2023


The craziness continues this morning at Viking.

It went down something like this but not exactly like this. 

PAX started with a brief warm-a-rama including an attempted Peter Parker by YHC while in an elbow plank. YHC immediately corrected and scolded by Waffle and Canuck who reminded the Q that was the improper position for the aforementioned exercise. YHC course corrected and accepted the constructive feedback.

Mosey to entrance of NMP where another round of exercises were performed. What exercises? Doesn’t really matter. 

Mosey to lighted parking lot where PAX performed a descending ladder of air squats with loops around the parking lot in between.

PAX moseyed to rock pile for 2 rounds of rock work where YHC was again called out for skipping a second round of skull crushers.


  • Did you know that the protocol for pregnancy tests during the 1930’s was for a woman to provide a urine sample at which time the urine is poured into the ear of a live rabbit. If the rabbit dies, that denotes the woman is pregnant. Canuck shared this fascinating bit of trivia and let us know this is also referenced in an Aerosmith song. You can’t make this up if you tried.
  • Great having  Blackbeard at Viking this AM and seeing him getting his mileage in!
  • Waffle read YHC’s mind after Canuck made mention of a sperm whale during another trivia tidbit. Beavis and Butthead would respond in a predictable way if they were at the workout.
  • Chilly Willy crushing it this morning as he did Saturday at Polar Bear.
  • Thanks Canuck for taking us out in prayer this AM
  • thanks waffle for the opportunity to lead Viking this morning and your strong leadership as MQ  at this awesome AO. This AO is as good as it gets!!


Humbly In Christ
