Running but not too much of it…

Event Date

Feb 06, 2023

7 pax showed up for a beatdown which i promised there would be running but not too much of it.

We started on time, but Toxic decided to make a grand entrance a few minutes after we started and we’re all better because of it.

Warm-Up(Snake through the parking lot to pick up our bricks)

  • Started off with 50 SSH
  • Mosey to end of parking lot and do wall sits and 15 mericans.
  • Mosey to other side of parking lot and do Karoake halfway through
  • Get to the end do Plank shoulder taps
  • Mosey to end and do slippery dip cans and slow squats
  • Mosey to blocks and everyone grab a block
  • 5 pull-ups and back to circle

*Called an audible on music and Toxic requested Van Halen playlist.  Good choice!  Definitely kept us motivated during workouts

The thang…

Round 1 – DORA exercises

  • Everyone partner up for DORA exercises (We had 7 pax so YHC went solo)
  • Between both partners needed to complete
    • 100 pushups
    • 100 squats
    • 100 sit-ups
  • While one partner was doing rounds – the other performed farmer carry with both blocks to end of parking lot row and back
  • 5 pullups after this round and mosey for a lap and back for 5 more pullups

Round 2 – Block workout (x2)

  • 20 curls
  • 20 slow squats
  • 20 lawn mower each side
  • 20 Chest press
  • 20 low flutter with block
  • Mosey around parking row and come back for 5 pullups

Ran out of time for Mary so ran back to cars for COT

  • Constant prayers for Moonlight and family
  • Prayers for the M’s and all marriages

Thanks for the opportunity to Q.  Always a joy to get out there and push and encourage each other.  Until next time, SYITG