Slightly more difficult than getting coffee

Event Date

Feb 20, 2023

Cobains for the late backblast.  MQ Tammy Faye is kind enough to Q at Fartlek, coming up on March 14th.  YHC wanted to return the favor at Arnie’s Army, and yesterday went down something like this:


0530:  Disclaimer given.  This was billed as a “no running” workout on Twitter.




  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers, Tennessee style, x 10 IC
  • Slow windmills x 10 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC


The Thing:


Everyone grabbed a cinder block.  But first we moseyed to the picnic tables and did:


  • Partner assisted back raises, x 15 OYO each partner.  Description:  Partner holds your legs down, your body hangs over the picnic table at the hips, and you raise up using (lesser used) back muscles.
  • Low flutter x 30 IC


Slow walk to the A-Frame for:


  • Pullups x 10 OYO, but done via 4 on the 4th rung, 3 on the 3rd rung, 2 on the 2nd rung, and 1 on the 1st run.
  • Knee-ups x 15 OYO


Slow walk back to the picnic tables:


  • Partner assisted back raises, x 15 OYO each partner.


Slow walk back to our blocks.  We did some calf raises at this point.


We then did some Tabata, 12 (or was it 13?) rounds with 30 seconds “on” and 15 seconds “rest” for the following exercises AMRAP:


  • Block squat to press
  • Bent over rows
  • Lawnmower L / R
  • Block press
  • Sit-ups with feet in blocks
  • Curls
  • Skull Crushers
  • Jump over your blocks
  • Squats to hit your backside on the blocks
  • Cobains, probably forgetting a couple


Put the blocks away.  Circle up for a generous session (~12 minutes?) of Mary + Stretching:


Mary + Stretching:


  • Hamstring stretch
  • Quad stretch L / R
  • American Hammers
  • Cobbler Stretch
  • Legs out in front stretch
  • Shoulder-touch-Mericans x 10 IC
  • Calf stretches from the front leaning rest position
  • “Out and ups”
  • Elbow plank
  • 1 Crisp, clean Burpee
  • Probably forgot a few, Cobains


Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we were very comfortably under 1 mile of distance covered.  So the “no running” promise was kept.




  1. There were no specific prayer requests from this group, so we prayed for anything unspoken in our circle. 
  2. No, will not cover the “Gas Station Showers” conversation which dominated the mumble chatter.  I believe Ultraman’s Berean backblast has you covered on that, lol.
  3. Several of these Pax did “double down” on Monday and hit 2 workouts, T-Claps.
  4. Please support the “Q vs. Q tournament” coming up.  Look for details from Mr. Scrappy, and I believe a few more Qs might still be needed.
  5. On the difficulty scale of “Coffee – Kosar”, this workout was definitely closer to “Coffee”.  Meaning, not super difficult.  YHC is mildly injured, but not to make excuses.  In fact, the Pax had no complaints about an easy workout and maybe it was just what we needed on a Monday.  Appreciate everyone for supporting!

