4 is not a crowd

Event Date

Feb 22, 2023

Good to have 4 shinny or not faces out on a perfect morning!  FNG-1 is not so new Dr J.

Warm Up

SSH, TS, ST, CP,CH Sq, MH, Tie Fighter.  
Main Event

RT 66: 6 reps at 11stations around parking lot; burpees, steps or dips, CH Sq, merkins.  Mosey between stations with bear crawl and lunge walk thrown in to relieve boredom.  To block pile.

10 reps IC; squats, press, rows, dead lift, skull crushers, 1/2 curls to level followed by level to up, twist press, OYO swings.  
on six:  CB sit ups, OH extend, twist.  Tammy Wynette to 100 reps, upright partner does CB squats while down partner does merkins, switch every 10 reps.  Return blocks and mosey to Australian pull up bar.  IC 10 reps narrow, wide and underhand grip.  Return to Chicago lap of Rt 66 back to AO.


LBC, Pretzel Crunch, on side left and right leg raises.


Clark was complaining about sweat getting in his eyes which was a perfect setup for verse of the day.  Isaiah 40:30-31, “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar like Eagles; they will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not be faint. “

Pray Out.  Pleasure to lead.