All bells with no repeats

Event Date

Feb 24, 2023

A bit late of a backblast and I don’t have my Weinke with me… so maybe this is pointless, but it at least gives those that posted a backblast credit. In summary, we picked things up, we set them down.

Clark grabbed an unusual School Bellz Q, better than just a post. Normally I’m off on Fridays (Be jelly) but having worked 10 out of 11 straight days I figure if I’m up anyway I might as well Q bellz. Weinke was filled with a plethora of kettlebell moves. So many, in fact, that we didn’t repeat a single thing. For the regulars they even got to do a few moves they haven’t done before. Fun was had, iron was sharpened, and I am still feeling it a few days later. Especially from the snatches and cleans. We talked, we laughed, we prayed.

I found my Weinke

Around the world
Good Morning

Single arm deadlift
Dippy Bird

Turkish get-up
Goblet Squat

1 arm Bent Row, swap

Clean and Press
High Pull
Side Lunge

Walmarts right, then left
Snatch into 1 arm Shoulder Press
Milk jugs

Overhead Squat
Deck Squat (Standing, Squat, laydown, Situp, Stand-up

Lateral Swing
Skull Crushers
1 Arm carry a lap


Matthew 6:7-7
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen, Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.