Squats and Merkins, Merkins and Squats

Event Date

Mar 02, 2023


The plan was to run to the bridge in the rain with a ton of SSH’s along the way. Basically what I’ve done several times before. But as often happens with the best laid plans . . . things changed.

Greyhound, Chilly Willy, and Jersey Boy arrived right on schedule. They were dressed appropriately – shorts and t-shirts. The Q was wearing a toboggan, long-sleeved shirt, gloves, and a rain jacket. What an amateur.

Warm-up consisted of the mandatory SSH (25 IC), IST, Carrot Pullers, Windmills, Toy Soldiers, low slow squats, and slow merkins.

Mosey to the greenway and enjoyed some Mohammed Ali’s, low slow squats, slow incline merkins on the curb, and some regular squats.

Mosey to the wall where we found some People’s Chairs to sit on along with air presses, some additional slow squats, slow merkins on an incline, People’s Chair again, and more merkins on the incline the other way.

Mosey to the benches for some calf raises, dips, decline merkins (it was really wet by the benches so apologies to the group for that one), and some squats.

Mosey down the ramp to the greenway and backward lunges, some more . . . you guessed it . . . low, slow squats, and, yup, more merkins.

Mosey to the rails for calf raises, incline merkins (top shelf), one-legged calf raises, decline merkins, other-legged calf raises, incline merkins (mid-shelf), and probably some low, slow squats.

Mosey back to the ramp for 5 dimond merkins . . . hold it . . . 5 regular merkins . . . hold it . . . and 5 wide-grip merkins.

Lunge walk up the ramp (20 each leg) and head for home. We did get a surprise visit from Canuck who was running the greeenway but he went his way and we went ours.

Back to the launch were we had just enough time for some squats and merkins.

Glad to see Greyhound out with us. This makes four workouts this week. Impressive! He complained a bit about his legs being tired, but I never saw him give up. Strong!

Chilly Willy is a regular these days. Looking forward to having him Q a workout for us.

Jersey Boy was the only one who gave the Q much in the way of mumble chatter. Hopefully the workout was what kept him from being too vocal and he wasn’t just bored and thinking about his drive to Florida. Stay safe my friend.

Prayers for the earthquake victims and those suffering in the world, accompanied by gratitude for our ability to get out of bed, spending time getting to know other men, and accept the free gift of salvation. Amen.

Always an honor and a privilege to lead these men.
