PAINinsula – A Little Less Running

Noticed at last few posts – a few PAX are recovering from injury – so a little less running for this PAINinsula! 

Mosey over to Yoga Studio and Ash & Barrel parking lot for Warmaroma with the required disclaimer:

Side Straddle Hops – 25 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper – 10 IC

Toy Solders – 10 IC

Arm Circles (forward, reverse, flat)

Long Snapper – 10 IC

Windmill – 10 IC

Runner’s Stretch Right – Arm Up

Runner’s Stretch Left – Arm Up

Mountain Climbers 10 IC

Plank Jack 10 IC

The Thang: Partner-Up

DORA – while partner runs parking lot

100 Americans

200 Squats

300 LBC

Move to area between buildings for:

Step-ups  10 each leg OYO

Dips 10 IC

Incline Americans 10 IC  (middle set Decine Ameicans)

Peoples Chair with Air Press 10 IC

Repeato 3 times 

Back to Parking Lot – 4 corners

Low Flutter 20 each leg OYO  (karaoke to next corner)

Diamond Carolina Dry Docks 10 IC (quadraphilia to next corner)

Apollo Ono’s 10 each leg OYO (karaoke to next corner)

Reverse Lunges 10 each leg OYO (mosey back to start)

Repeato 3 times

Return to Launch for MARY:

Thug, Metallica, Lone Star, Hollywood called out an exercise

No Rope finished with THE Burpee (Outlaw would be so proud)



Warmaroma included important hamstring stretches with Scappy modifying – thought it would be helpful but guest not.

Several of the PAX didn’t think decline ‘Mericans after dips was a smart call – glad they powered through

Heard at the General Last week that Air Stream loves Diamond ‘Mericans so modified the Carolina Dry Dock to the ‘Diamond’ Carolina Dry Dock

Wanted to finish Mary with Eddy Merckx (some call the Freddie Merc) and have Jazz Hands add his rendition of “Bicycle” but NO Omega had a mutiny and called out the time and Recover Recover.

Surprisingly – Starbucks Harris Teeter was closed so a few met up at Starbucks Exit 28.

Outlaw – heal up !   Thank you for the honor and a privilege to lead this group.