Q vs Q Night Ranger

Pax showed up at Night Ranger.  Some showed early to run.  Some showed early to ruck.  All were on time for the Q v Q battle between YHC and Die Hard.

Die Hard took us a little off campus to explore a newly finished greenway entrance, statue and fresh asphalt.  He made us run a lot with some dips, step ups, LBCs, Mericans and Crawl Bears thrown in.  He was nice enough to use the rest of his time getting us back to the starting point.

I took over, but kept us in the parking deck with little to no running (probably what won it for me since the Night Ranger crowd likes to mumblechatter and running hinders that activity).  I also played some tunes.  Pro tip for future Q competitions: bring some music for entertainment purposes. We did some bear crawls, side shuffles, quadraphelia, crab walks, low hanging squats, dips, reverse lunges, hip slaps, etc. and ended with some “Night Moves” (show to know)

It was fun. Die Hard is a masterful leader and an avid competitor. He should have won, but, alas, YHC moves on to the next round.