1, 2, 3 for the road!

Event Date

Mar 17, 2023

Three showed up to cruise Hwy 66.

Warm Up

10’s or 20’s on reps:  ssh, TS, storm trooper, MH, CP, Tie fighter

Main Thang

Mosey to corner to start the trip on RT 66:  6 reps at 11 stops of merkins, step ups or dips, burpees, or  CH squats.  Various means of navigation between stops;  mosey, bear crawl, quadraphilla, karaoke, lunge walk.  Back to AO.  
Bear crawl up steps with merkin +1 at each till 13.

With kb; ribbons, IC 10 reps of  1/2 curls, press, skull crushers, upright rows, dead lifts, squats, OYO, kb swings.

On six for sit-ups, overhead extend, American hammers.  Welch Dragon, in plank position drag kb 4 times then complete merkin, plank jack and shoulder tap addition of 1 rep each time till reach 5.  Mater could barely express how much he loved this one if the MC was any indication .

Back to AO.

Reflection; Isaiah 63:12 “…because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors.  For he bore the sin of man…”  Reminder of why we celebrate Easter.

Pray out.  Thanks for this opportunity to lead.