Aye Soprano!

Event Date

Mar 22, 2023

4 Pax were present and accounted for #Hollywood. Today’s workout is in honor of our MQ, Soprano, who is having surgery on his bicep today so remember to send prayers his way. Here’s the summary of events:


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-IST x20 (40)

-Little Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x15

-Slow hold ‘Mericans x5 w/ 8 count release

Mosey to the end of the street to Checkpoint 2 and partner up for:

-300 lbc’s while partner laps

-200 ‘Squats while partner laps

-100 WWII’s while partner laps

Mosey to the movie parking lot to Checkpoint 3 for (IC):

-Muhammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20 IC (40)

-Praying Mantis x20 IC (40)


-Christian McCalf raises x23 (46)

-Dips x15 (30)

-Inclined ‘Mericans x15 (30)

-Mobility Moment

Mosey back to Checkpoint 1/base and on your 6 for (IC):

-Low flutter x20 (40)

-Pickle pounder x15 (30)

‘-‘Mercianators (5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide) x15 OYO

-Heels to Heaven reverse lbc  15 (30)

-Crunchy frog LBC’s x15 (30)

Recover, Recover



It was great spending time with my brothers in the gloom. Soprano was in our minds as we did our 100 SSH’s. Greyhound was sore from doing the horseshoe at PAINinsula, YHC was sore from the Gladiator beat down yesterday, but Deep Dish and Holiday seemed just fine and wasn’t bothered by the pain administration. Greyhound and YHC hope to someday be as studly as they are. For real though, we got a full body workout and all Pax kept up the pace today and crushed it. Way to go gents.


-On 3/30 we will hold a F3 CPR class at Lake Forest Church from 6:30-8pm.  M’s and 2.1’s are welcome to attend. Please save the date! https://f3isotope.com/f3-cpr-training/

Prayer Requests:

-Soprano is having surgery on his bicep today so remember to send prayers his way. He’ll be on the IR for a while so let’s keep up with him and get some clipboard time.

-Remember Pax who recently lost a parent. Also, remember those Pax who have caregiving and/or health issues with aging parents.

-Unspokens among F3

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, etc.)