Six Short of a Sweet 16 at Fission

Excuse grammar as BB done on mobile device.

YHC delighted to have 10 post at Fission this morning. PAX started with a warm-a-rama behind HT before moseying over to the side of Food Lion for some people’s chair and a PAX favorite-praying mantis. PAX stopped at 115 intersection for air squats and merkins prior to arriving at Food Lion.  Mosey over to American Legion area for some rock work including skull crushers, bent over rows, shoulder presses and curls. Mosey over to picnic shelter for incline and decline merkins, and dips. mosey towards 115 stopping at Restore parking lot for mobility moment. Mosey up 115 stopping at bus stop parking lot for walking lunges. Mosey back to starting point finishing with a PAX round robin of MARY. 
Recover Recover 


  • On 3/30 we will hold a F3 CPR class at Lake Forest Church from 6:30-8pm.  M’s and 2.1’s are welcome to attend. Please save the date!
  • prayers lifted for Soprano as he is recovering from bicep surgery. Prayers for Canuck’s M as she is having cataract surgery this morning
  • strong work this AM by everyone as PAX covered 1.8 Strava verified miles
  • great to see Airstream post at Fission for the first time….glad to have you brother
  • Greyhound and Chilly have been super consistent throughout the week! Nice work fellas!
  • go out and support our f3 race City neighbors this Saturday for their 10 year anniversary workout at Stumpy Creek Park!! 
  • YHC continues to be inspired by all the men over 50 who are active in F3 as 7 of the 10 men were 50 and over this AM!

always an honor and privilege to be with each and everyone one of these fine men who chose to come out to Fission and get stronger!

Humbly in Christ
