Can You Q at 62?

Men gathered in the gloom ready to see if an almost 62 year old can lead a solid beatdown.  Except Gnarly Goat, who showed to offer support, but was nursing an achy back or side.  Warmups appropriate for an old, injured Goat were offered and executed, but he chose to nurse the body so missed some of the fun and fitness – but he more than makes up for it other days. 

The Thang 

Warm Up – back and forth bent knee swings to loosen Goat’s, Q’s and other’s backs w/ stretches.  Active hamstring stretches, IST, Toy Soldiers 

Mosey around HT and over the big wall at the Doc’s plaza – People’s Chair with Air Presses, Praying Mantis 

Partner up – 

Round 1 – 124 Merkins while partner ran bridge at start of greenway – 

Round 2 – 248 Squats 

Round 3 – 310 LBC’s 

BLMFers = X 15 because everyone needs strong glutes 

Repeato on People’s Chair, Air Presses, Praying Mantis 

Mosey back to Launch for some mobility and Mary 

Macbeth mentioned something about glutes and prison and the Q mentioned something that linked those two together – but we will keep this G rated 

Prayers for families in Nashville, Moonlight

Thanks for showing gentlemen – I’m very glad that I can lead a decent beatdown as I approach the next trip around the sun.  If you had told me 8 years ago that I would be in shape to do what we did, that I’d have the discipline to get out of bed at 4:40 and show up at 5:30 in 40 degrees to lead a workout, or that I would have the relationships I have thanks to F3 I probably would have scoffed – but all those are true.  Ready for another trip around sun starting on Saturday!  Just remember, you don’t always to get led in a workout by a Fool, but today you were led by an April Fool!!