Yes, the Q can blame the Weinke!

On an unseasonably cold day at The Estate today, here is roughly what went down:

0500:  The River Rat 10k with Crocs, Frogger, Tantrum, and YHC

0600:  A 1.84 mile ruck with the same crew as ^ plus Camelback and Jorel.

0659:  Started a tad early…any “audibles” from the typed Weinke are noted with strikethrough font.



  • A short mosey around the parking lot, including high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphilia, and exaggerated long striders.
  • Everyone grab a small rock and a medium sized rock.  Circle up under the awning by the school.
  • Disclaimer given.
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers, Tennessee style, x 15 IC
  • SSH x 15 IC


The “Full body, toe to head” Thing, including:




  • Bent leg, single leg calf raises x 12 OYO each leg
  • Bent leg, single leg slow calf declines x 10 OYO each leg
  • Straight leg, single leg calf raises x 12 OYO each leg




  • Slow deep squats with your medium rock x 15 IC  (admittedly this works the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves)
  • Jump squats x 25 OYO


Hamstrings / Glutes:


  • Deadlifts with your medium rock x 15 OYO
    • A deadlift targets the hamstrings and the glutes and can be done with a barbell or dumbbells. Hold the weight in front of your body, at about the height of your quads, then lower it toward your feet, making sure to keep your back straight to avoid activating your back muscles.
    • While going down, keep your legs either stiff at the knees or slightly flexed, and keep your hips slightly flexed back, to activate your leg muscles.
  • Donkey kicks x 15 each leg OYO
    • A donkey kick is another exercise that mainly works the glutes, although it can also activate the hamstrings.
    • To complete this exercise, get down to the ground on your hands and knees.  With one knee flexed, lift your heel up toward the ceiling, until it is in line with your hips.
    • Contract your glute as you lift your heel up, and then return to your starting position to repeat.
  • Glute bridge hold, left leg extended only x 30 seconds
  • Glute bridge hold, right leg extended only x 30 seconds
  • Glute bridge hold, both legs x 1 minute


Other / Miscellaneous Leg Muscles:


  • Monkey humpers x 15 IC
  • Suzanne Summers x 10 IC, each side
  • Wall sits with Air Presses x 10 IC and Touch Them Heels x 10 IC


Core / Ab Muscles:


  • Elbow plank x 1 minute
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Jack-knife LBCs L / R x 10 IC each leg
  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC
  • Captain Thors:
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 7-28


Double time to the pull-up bars for some back work.  Partner up.  No, kept everyone dry for now…


Back Muscles:


  • Pull-ups x 12 OYO (use partner to ensure 12 reps are reached)
  • Switch
  • Australian pull-ups with feet over partner’s shoulders x 10 OYO
  • Switch
  • Hustle back to the rocks.  With your medium rock:
  • Bent over rock rows x 15 IC


Chest Muscles:


  • Rock press x 15 IC with medium rock
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • 10 count, shake out arms
  • Shoulder-touch-Mericans x 10 9 IC
  • Rock press x 15 10 IC with medium rock  (Clearly the Q was gassed already.  Believe at this point we did a “recovery lap” in the parking lot)


Shoulder Muscles:


  • Overhead rock press x 10 IC with medium rock
  • Balls to the wall x 30 seconds
  • Shoulder front extensions x 10 OYO each arm with small rock  (There was some excitement here, as heretofore the small rock had only been used as a paperweight for my Weinke)


Triceps Muscles:


  • Diamond Mericans x 10 4 IC  (Lol.  Gassed)
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC with medium rock
  • Reverse triceps extensions x 10 OYO each arm with small rock


Biceps Muscles:


  • Finally we did hustle to the pull up bars.  Australian pull-ups with feet over partner’s shoulders x 10 OYO  (works back and biceps, probably)
  • Switch.  Run back to rocks.  Some joked we’d be right back…
  • “Colt 18s” with medium rock
  • Hustle to the pull-up bars, perform chin-ups x AMRAP.  Hustle back.  Yeah, whoops, forgot about this set!  Whoever joked was correct!
  • Full curls x 10 IC with medium rock




  • Shrugs x 15 OYO with medium rock


Put rocks away, hustle to the bottom part of the parking lot for a couple things we needed benches for:


  • Dips on benches x 15 10 IC
  • Partner assisted back raises, x 15 OYO each partner.  Description:  Partner holds your legs down, your body hangs over the picnic table at the hips, and you raise up using (lesser used) lower back muscles.
  • Nah, not the right benches for this exercise.  We scrapped it as it was probably not safe.




  • Captain Thors:
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 7-28


Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.55 miles.




  1. 4 for the River Rat, 6 for Excelsior, and 9 Pax at The Estate makes for a great morning.  The 4 “Triple Downs” were probably the most in a long time.  Great work by Crocs, Frogger, and Tantrum.
  2. Tantrum made fun of my gloves but nearly lost several fingers today because of frost bite.  You gonna learn bro!
  3. Frogger is technically not cleared for boot camps yet but crushed it anyway.  He told YHC about his devious plan tonight to try to get a hall pass for the Tuna 200.  Good luck bud.
  4. Rooter’s first Estate in what he said was 8 months.  Nice!  Great to have you out.
  5. Elmers agreed as well…let’s make The Estate awesome as the weather (hopefully) gets better from here on out.  Great coffeeteria with Elmers, Rooter, Tantrum, Frogger, Marker, and YHC.
  6. Camelback gets #DoubleDown credit and blamed Crocs for missing the run at 0500.  How does that work bud?  Oh but when Camelback claimed to be “not a runner”, there were threats of choking from Frogger. 
  7. Always appreciate Marker joining us from Denver.  It has been a while bud but admittedly that’s because YHC needs to get to your side of the damn more often. 
  8. Carpet Bagger didn’t get the memo about also grabbing a small rock, so he simply did all the exercises with a giant rock.  Well played Sir!
  9. Camelback claims I can’t “blame the Weinke” for something terrible because “you typed the damn thing Turnpike”.  I’m not sure that logic checks out?  The Weinke deserves at least some of the blame.
  10. Appreciate the mumble chatter from Crocs and Frogger and others.  I pretend not to hear most of it, but I assure you it makes the workout more fun for the Q as well.  Keep doing what you do bros.
  11. Appreciate the opportunity to lead Camelback.  We got 9 on a pretty crappy day…so how exciting will the Spring be at the greatest AO in all of F3 Nation.

