8 ballers

After at least 4 attempts to count off, we collectively settled that the official manifest showed 8 souls onboard for the earliest workout offering in Isotope.  In today’s offering we climbed a rolling ladder consisting of Americans, low flutter and squats.  We also added some mobility.  We finished off the morning as good citizens submitting our 1040 EZ form to the tax man.

Canuck opined that Stromboli was getting annoyed with the 4 yard mosies, but all hands settled in once we started climbing the ladder.   Soprano was the 1-armed bandit.  Blackbeard whined enough to get some pigeon.  Bel-Air is back in full force, and he’s still somewhere around triple respect.  Kingsman and Shake were putting in yeoman’s work.

Prayers up for the Fleming family as they grieve the loss of a mom who lived a long life.  Prayers up for all the pax who have recently lost parents.

Coffeeteria included Monday Morning Quarterbacking, where we all struggled to remember much, but we did remember a great theme to reflect upon… mercy and forgiveness. 

‘Twas a good morning.  Goat sends.