16 men did not fear the the April edition of the Horseshoe

4 down and 8 to go.

Lots of running back an forth (uphill both ways) with progressive pain stations followed by regressive pain stations of: Merkins / LBC’s / Low Dolly / Touch Dem heels / Squats

Cousin Eddie turns 40 a week from this Friday. Time for some metamucil and geritol!

Please keep Shake and his family in your prayers as they deal with the loss of his mother in law. 

The pax have been missing our fearless Master Q “Outlaw“. We hope to see him soon as he is still recovering from surgery. 

Hard to believe out of 16 guys we had 12 over 50 / 3 over 40 / and then there is Cousin Eddie

Just needed to note…….Lonestar was on time today!

As always it is an honor to lead such a great group of men. Men who inspire each other everyday.
