‘OEO’ is how the Q calls it

This is always a great AO, especially since it’s held on a Friday, why not end the week with exercise along with humor among great PAX!!!

The PAX gathered @ 9:25a, and started to all guess when Lone Star would show??? A few PAX guessed 2 minutes past, while others guessed 3 minutes. YHC started the workout with pledge of allegiance just to give Lone Star an extra minute.

It all went “a something, a little bit like this”:

PAX moseyed to the rock pile and chose their rock (Omega ended up with a 30lb boulder as his choice). 

Warm o roma 1: backward shoulder circles, flip flop to frontward, big backward shoulder circles, flip flop to frontward, macarena nights? (palms up to palms down), while holding your rock hangs for 5 count, cotton picker while lifting your rock, nose to knee right side for 5 count, runners pose to the right, flop to left side.

The Thang: plank position with rock on ground in front. With right hand, slide rock out in front, side plank shuffle to left hand and slide rock out in front. Repeat. 1st set PAX went 5 parking spaces, 2nd set PAX went 3 parking spaces, 3rd set PAX went 1 parking space. Rest in-between sets to shake out arms.

Mosey to the wall for Warm o Roma 2: SSH IC X 15, Toy Soldiers IC X 15.

The Thang: balls to the wall (fully upright) for 5 count, then 45% for 5 count, Merican X 5 OYO, for 2 sets, with Rocky Balboa in-between. End with curb Mericans X 5 on each arm.

Mosey to the outside of the park. On your six for chest press, ‘OEO’. (All PAX picked up on Qs letters pronunciation blunder) X 20, micktwists X 20 ‘OEO’, leg splits (Q can’t recall the exercise name) X 20, low flutter X 20, bicycle crunches (Q can’t remember the name of the exercise).

Mosey with rock to top of the street (Q underestimated the length of the street) as most PAX participated in some good mumble chatter (always a positive). Grabbed some curb for curb dips. 

Mosey to the top of the street, at the stop sign (Q was stalling for the 4 banger AO…) for PAX vs PAX standing 8 count with rock (each PAX faced each other and raced to see who could complete the exercise first), at that time the 4 banger AO ran past The General AO and were saluted with Monkey Humpers. Always nice when a AO crosses with another AO 👍.

Mosey to 2nd rock pile to replenish the stock (Macbeth & Omega figured out that the Q was bringing rocks from 1 pile to another). 

Last Thang: low slow squats IC X 10, single leg lunge with right leg X 5, flip flop to left leg, alternating leg lunges X 10.

Mosey to start for: Accelerated (PAX mentioned should be renamed decelerator), alternating cross situps.

Recover, Recover