A Deck in the……. uuhhhh, deck.

13 pax joined YHC in the gloom for the KB workout, 1 was in for the standard only – 14 total Men made themselves and (most importantly) their brothers better!

A quick disclaimer at 0530 SHARP (because the workouts start at 0530, not 0531), we left the bells and started this thang….

We made it about 2’ into a wide mosey lap around DPK before the mumble chatter started. Back to the starting point for the warm up – slow-ish windmills, mumble chatter, SSH, mumble chatter, IST, mumble chatter, & the slippery dip can. Grabbed the bells and into the parking deck we go… mumble chatter.

In the deck, we used a (slightly) modified deck of cards. The deck was broken into two halves with different exercises in each half.

The slightly part regarding my deck:

-In each half, there were 2 Jokers added

-In each half, there were only 2 Kings

-Queens & Jacks were taken out completely


The 1st Half, number on the card decided the amount of the exercise

♦: Shoulder Presses, IC, each arm (27 completed, each arm)

♥: Sumo Squat w/ Upright Row, IC (23 completed IC)

♣: Lawn Mower Pulls, IC, each arm (25 completed, each arm, IC)

♠: single count burpees/modify as necessary (yes… I know, I know, burpees…mumble chatter) (23 burpees/the like completed)

King (any suit): Fast mosey up the ramp to the next level and back (2 laps up and back completed)

Ace (any suit): 1 min plank (2 min total plank time completed)

Joker: 5 WW2 sit ups, w/ KB (10 total WW2s completed)


The 2nd Half, number on the card decided the amount of the exercise

♦: ‘merkins (26 completed IC)

♥: skull crushers (31 completed IC)

♣: KB curls (29 completed IC)

♠: KB Swing (31 completed IC)

King (any suit): Fast mosey up the ramp to the next level and back (2 laps up and back completed)

Ace (any suit): 30 sec plank (1 min total plank time completed)

Joker: 5 WW2 sit ups, w/ KB (10 total WW2s completed)


Recover, Recover.


After joining the PAX for the last 2ish years, I finally had enough courage to Q my first workout. Thanks for the mumble chatter, aka encouragement….  Maybe I’ll improve my cadence counting and exercise ideas on the next Q, but probably not. I appreciate you all. 


-Talking Heads-