Arnies Just About Right

Event Date

May 01, 2023

5:00am – Standard with Dingo, Big M, and Lego. This was your typical 2nd F pace until it wasn’t, believe Lego took the last mile at 7:30 pace. 

5:30am – Troops gathered around for some warm-o-rama, all good but the speed on Dingos windmills was concerning to some. We grabbed the blocks and did 4 rounds and covered 1 mile of running while we did our work and supported Kosar who did a private Murph event.

The Thang:

  • Block workout: Swings 20, Skull Crushers 15, Curls 60, Squart-2-Press 20, Chest Press 60, Burpees 40, Lawn Mowers 45 each side, Squats 60, V-Ups 45
  • On the Run we hit dips 80 and visited the pull up bars for 30 total
  • Ended with some Hippie called Susan Summers and Dingo with Crunchy Frog

Great to be back out in the gloom with these men and enduring a good amount of pain but not to much. Keep pushing and keep getting stronger.