10 appeared, 2 disappeared, then reappear

Another slightly foggy, cold morning in the Gloom at Man Maker Monday. When’s this fall like weather finally going to subside???

Man Maker went something a little bit like so:

Circle up, then Mosey around the parking lot. Disclaimer. 25 SSH IC, slow windmills IC X 10, low slow squats IC X 10.

This is when some confusion starts, 2 PAX disappeared? (Later find out it was a plan run).

8 PAX followed the Q for a bell carrying walk to the back of the school, while walking we did Alvin Iverson bell crossovers between the legs, and around the world’s (each direction).

The Thang: Partner up; series 1 was Partner 1 20 bench dips (a few PAX found a wabbling bench) while Partner 2 did standing upright rows, switch, Partner 1 20 bench dips, while Partner 2 curls, then alternate.  Series 2 Partner 1 double bell lunges up the narrow sidewalk, Partner 2 squats, alternating until reaching 100 squats total. Series 3 Partner 1 runs to miniature benches for 20 inclined Mericans, Partner 2 curls, alternate X 2 rounds.

Circle up for: chest press IC X 20, overhead raises IC X 16, repeato, micktwists IC X 10.

Mosey while carrying bells doing Zamporini, then skull crushers, chest press and curls.

Grab a curb for Rocky Balboa IC X 15.

Circle up for: Chest Press, & Skull Crushers IC X 10, bent over rows IC X 10, lawnmowers & single arm curls OYO X 10, flip flop.

Mosey to end of parking lot, grab curb, Rocky Balboa and inclined curb Mericans X 12.

Circle Up, on your 6 for: IBC, then 2 PAX who previously disappeared, reappear for Accelerator.

Recover, Recover.

Announcements: 5/6 community cleanup in Smithville Neighborhood, also Habitat build in Race City. 5/17ish Purple Heart ramp build.

Prayers: Anarose (hopefully got that right?) for brain disease and for Olive and family on 7th Anniversary of his ‘Sweet Daughter’ passing 😔.

It’s an honor to Q with you PAX this morning. Iron sharpens Iron 💪.