Didn’t Rain Still Got Wet

Event Date

Apr 28, 2023

With local weathermen calling for rain 5 Pax rallied for The General. Gathered in the wet conditions of the AO with nothing but positive thoughts and willing attitudes.

Disclaimer and warm-up.

Moseyed to rock pile for intervals of rock exercises-mosey-core and mericans.

4 sets/12 reps of:

High Curl

Overhead Press

Skull Crushers

Bent over Rows

Goblet Squats

Followed by mosey to next stop for:

WWII x 20

Mericans x 20 

Mosey to next stop for continued mericans and core.

Mosey to wall for peoples chair, air press, seal claps with Rocky Balboa intervals x 4

Finished with Mary to guarantee everyone went home wet added in Suzanne Sumers.

Good work by all and special congrats to Jazzhands for starting and finishing with a case of bronchitis from hell.

Holiday took us out in prayer and as usual was humble and gracious to the Lord for giving us this opportunity.

Thank you to All.