Smokey is Ba-ack and Enron is the winner of the 50k

Event Date

May 02, 2023


Man I love FKT. 

Frodo showed for the 5:10 standard, as usual. Then skipped the pain, as usual. 

Those who did not skip the pain got plenty of it, along with 4+ miles. Unless you are Heely and you somehow got 3.67 or something. 

There were burpees and pull-ups and burpees and Tarantulas and burpees and WW2s and burpees and over the wall at the bridge (the right wall not the left wall) and more burpees. Jobe and reallly missed out. But the toenail on his pinky toe is hurting, so I guess he had a good excuse. 

Speaking of excuses, at least one of the BGs cares about his fitness, fellowship, and faith. Enron, Congrats on completing the 50k and posting for FKT. 

Did Popcorn abandon us and move out West already? The grass is greener is Omaha. But certainly not in Utah.

DonHo has a “special” workout cooked up for next week. Heely wants to take the workout on a field trip to Cobblestone Manor soon to engage the locals. 

Smokey is shaping up quickly and is 3mo+ alcohol free (with Pepcid AC). Multiple lost pounds and added muscles later – lookout, there is an extra spring in his step and smile on his face. New man. Keep it up Smokey!!